Nursing Intervention to Health and Illness 
醫學院  護理學研究所  
426 D4440 
Ceiba 課程網頁

This course addresses the current theories and research in the study of nursing therapeutics. We describe the implications of nursing therapeutics on research design and clinical practice and examine the practice of nursing to promote, maintain and restore human health.

1.Articulate the nature, conceptual bases and scope of nursing therapeutics.
2.Explore the evidence synthesis of specific nursing interventions in theoretical basis, methodology, measurements and findings.
3.Identify issues related to the empirical knowledge relating to the effectiveness of nursing therapeutics.
4.Develop the perspectives on the development of the science of nursing therapeutics.
1.Manuscript review and response (due 6/01 in class):20%
2.Term paper (due 6/15, 5 PM):40%
3.Class participation:40%
(2)Class participation and discussion

1.期末作業同儕互評 (Manuscript review and response)以所附之護理學會系統性文獻回顧之審查標準,互相審查同學之期末作業,一份作業由二同學審查,請事先登記預定審查之同學名單。


2.期末作業 (Term paper)
選擇一種處置(therapeutics),最好為護理處置(nursing therapeutics),完成一篇系統性文獻回顧。從文獻探究該護理處置的理論依據,發展歷程,綜合目前在探討該護理處置時所用的各種研究方法,結果變項、工具和研究發現,評價其長處、短處,將來的展望;內容需包括中英文摘要、前言、文獻查證、理論概念模式等。文章應講求組織性、邏輯性,立論清晰,辯證應有依據,所探討的概念之間要有緊密聯結。書寫的結構可以參照Journal of Advanced Nursing 對Systematic review or other type of review paper之格式要求http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2648/homepage/systematic_review_or_other_type_of_review_paper.htm

重要時程: 6/13, 5 PM前繳交,以APA第六版格式書寫,12號字,1.5倍行高以15頁為限,中英文摘要、參考文獻、附表另計。

3. 參與及討論 (Class participation and discussion)
(1) 每位同學選定每週主題後,於上課時用40-50分鐘整理報告相關議題,並帶領討論。
(2) 針對每週的文獻,每位同學(不包括報告者)於當週星期日下午五點前,提出1-2問題寄至當週報告者,當週報告者於當週星期一下午五點前將所有同學之問題整理、分類後,寄給二位授課教師及所有同學,以供上課討論之用。
(3) 期末作業報告(5/25, 6/01),每位報告15分鐘,討論10分鐘。

Office Hours
1. Conceptual basis of nursing therapeutics
Fawcett, J., Watson, J., Neuman, B., Walker, P. H., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2001). On nursing theories and evidence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33(2), 115-119. (required)
Heslo, L., & Lu, S. (2014). Nursing-sensitive indicators: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(11), 2469-2482.
Murray, S., Holmes, D., & Rail, G. (2008). On the constitution and status of “evidence” in the health sciences. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(4), 272-280. (required)
Porter, S. (2010). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing: The challenge of evidence-based practice. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(1), 3-14. (required)
Sidani, S., Doran, D. M. & Mitchell, P. H. (2004). A theory-driven approach to evaluating quality of nursing care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 36(1), 60-65. (required)
2. Randomized clinical trials (Ⅰ)
參考Equator Network: Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research
Altman, D. G., Schulz, K. F., Moher, D., Egger, M., Davidoff, F., Elbourne, D.,…Lang T. (2001). The revised CONSORT statement for reporting randomized trials: Explanation and elaboration. Annals of Internal Medicine, 134(8), 663-694.
Bennett, J. J. (2005). The consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT): Guidelines for reporting randomized trials. Nursing Research, 54(2), 128-132. (required)
Clark, L., Schmidt, U., Tharmanathan, P., Adamson, J., Hewitt, C., & Torgerson, D. (2013). Poor reporting quality of key randomization and allocation concealment details is still prevalent among published RCTs in 2011: A review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 19(4), 703-707.
Cook, D. J., Mulrow, C. D., & Haynes, R. B. (1998). Introduction & Chap. 1 Syntheses of best evidence for clinical decision. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 1-12). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician. (書)
Cui, Q., Tian, J., Song, X., & Yang, K. (2014). Does the CONSORT checklist for abstracts improve the quality of reports of randomized controlled trials on clinical pathways? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 20, 827-833.
Des Jarlais, D, C., Lyles, C., Crepaz, N., & TREND group. (2004). Improving the reporting quality of nonrandomized evaluations of behavioral and public health interventions: The TREND statement. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 331-336. (required)
Huwiler-Muntener, K., Juni, P., Junker, C., & Egger, M. (2002). Quality of reporting of randomized trials as a measure of methodologic quality. Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(21), 2801-2804. (required)
Jadad, A. R., Moore, R. A., Carroll, D., Jenkinson, C., Reynolds, J. M., Gavaghan, D. J.,…McQuay, H. J. (1996). Assessing the quality of reports of randomized clinical trials: Is blinding necessary? Controlled Clinical Trials, 17, 1-12.
Schulz, K. F. (2001). Assessing allocation concealment and blinding in randomized controlled trials: Why bother. Evidence-Based Nursing, 4, 4-6. (required)
Schulz, K. F., Altman, D. G., Moher, D. (2010). CONSORT 2010 statement: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials. Annals of Internal Medicine, 152(11), 1-8.
3. Randomized clinical trials (Ⅱ)
Armijo-Olivo, S., Warren, S., & Magee, D. (2009). Intention to treat analysis, compliance, drop-outs and how to deal with missing data in clinical research: A review. Physical Therapy Review, 14(1), 36-49. (required)
Christie, J., O’Halloran, P., & Stevenson, M. (2009). Planning a cluster randomized controlled trial: Methodological issues. Nursing Research, 58(2), 128-134.
Heritire, S. R., Gebski, B. J., & Keech, A. C. (2003). Inclusion of patients in clinical trials analysis: The intention-to-treat principle. Medical Journal of Australia, 79, 438-439. (required)
Polit, D. F., & Gillespie, B. M. (2009). The use of the intention-to-treat principle in nursing clinical trials. Nursing Research, 58(6), 391-399.
Polit, D. F., & Gillespie, B. M. (2010). Intention-to-treat in randomized controlled trials: Recommendations for a total trial strategy. Research in Nursing & Health, 33, 355-368. (required)
4. Prevention intervention research
Cheadle, A., Schwartz, P. M., Rauzon, S., Bourcier, E., Senter, S., Spring, R., & Beery, W. L. (2012). Using the concept of “population dose” in planning and evaluating community-level obesity prevention initiatives. American Journal of Evaluation, 34(1), 71-84. (required)
Counsell, C. (1998). Chap. 7 Formulating questions and locating primary studies for inclusion. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 67-80). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.(書)
Hawkins, J. D., Kosterman, R., Catalano, R. F., Hill, K. G., & Abbott, R. D. (2005). Promoting positive adult functioning through social development intervention in childhood. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 159, 25-31. (required)
Hawkins, J. D., Kosterman, R., Catalano, R. F., Hill, K. G., Abott, R, D. (2008). Effects of social development intervention in childhood 15 years later. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 162(12), 1131-1141. (required)
Hunt, D. L., & McKibbon, K. A. (1998). Chap. 2 Locating and appraising systematic reviews. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 13-22). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.(書)
5. Issues in conducting intervention research: Setting, intervener and client
Bryant, J., & Powell, J. (2005). Payment to healthcare professions for patient recruitment to trials: A systematic review. British Medical Journal, 331, 1377-1378.
Komotar, R. J., Zacharia, B. E., Mocco, J., Ransom, E. R., Davis, J. P., Gasparis, G.,…Anderson, R. C. E. (2006). Internet-based neuro-oncology patient recruitment. Neurosurgery, 58(5), 985-989.
Mody, L., Miller, D. K., McGloin, J. M., Freeman, M., Marcantonio, E. R., Magaziner, J., & Studenski, S. (2008). Recruitment and retention of older adults in aging research. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56, 2340-2348. (required)
Tramm, R., Daws, K., & Schadewaldt, V. (2013). Clinical trial recruitment-A complex intervention? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 2436-2443. (required)
Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (2001). Evaluating nursing interventions: A theory driven approach (Chap. 4 Characteristics of clients, pp. 63-86). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (書,required)
Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (2001). Evaluating nursing interventions: A theory driven approach (Chap. 5 Intervener and setting characteristics, 87-104). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (書,required)
Wright, J. R., Bouma, S., Dayes, I., Sussman, J., Simunovic, M. R., Levinek M. N., & Whelan, T. J. (2006). The importance of reporting patient recruitment details in phase III trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24(6), 843-845.
6. Issues in conducting intervention research: Content and design
Brandt, P. A., Kirsch, S. D., Lewis, F. M., & Casey, S. M. (2004). Assessing the strength and integrity of an intervention. Oncology Nursing Forum, 31(4), 833-837. (required)
Conn, V. S. (2009). Identifying the effective components of interventions. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 31(8), 981-982.
Conn, V. S., Rantz, M. J., Wipke-Tevis, D. D., & Maas, M. L. (2001). Designing effective nursing interventions. Research in Nursing & Health, 24(5), 433-442. (required)
Crowder, S. J., & Broome, M. E. (2012). A framework to evaluate the cultural appropriateness of intervention study. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(8), 1002-1022.
Donovan, H. S., Kwekkeboom, K. L., Rosenzweig, M. Q., & Ward, S. E. (2009). Non-specific effects in psychoeducational intervention research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 31(8), 983-998.
Fleischman, R. J., Adams, A. L., Hedges, J. R., Ma, O. J., Mullins, R. J., & Newgard, C. D. (2010). The optimum follow-up period for assessing mortality outcomes in injured older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(10), 1843-1849. (required)
Hildebrand, M. W., Host, H. H., Binder, E. F., Carpenter, B., Freedland, K. E., Morrow-Howell, N.,…Lenze, E. J. (2012). Measuring treatment fidelity in a rehabilitation intervention study. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(8), 715-724.
Lindsay, B. (2004). Randomized controlled trials of socially complex nursing interventions: Creating bias and unreliability. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(1), 84-94.
Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (2001). Evaluating nursing interventions: A theory driven approach (Chap. 6 Intervention variables, pp. 105-137). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.(書,required)
7. Issues in conducting intervention research: Analysis and outcome
Cartwright, N., & Munro, E. (2010). The limitations of randomized controlled trials in predicting effectiveness. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16, 260-266.
O’Connell, B. O., & Warelow, P. J. (2001). Challenges of measuring and linking patient outcomes to nursing interventions in acute care settings. Nursing and Health Sciences, 3, 113-117. (required)
Palmer, R. F., & Royall, D. R. (2010). Missing data? Plan on it. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(s2), S343-s348.
Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (2001). Evaluating nursing interventions: A theory driven approach (Chap. 7 Outcomes-related factors, pp. 138-160). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.(書,required)
8. Alternative approaches to study therapeutics
Mason, S., Torey, P., & Long, A. F. (2002). Evaluating complementary medicine: Methodological challenges of randomized controlled trials. British Medicine Journal, 325(7368), 832-834. (required)
Meade, M. O., & Ricbardson, W. S. (1998). Chap. 8 Selecting and appraising studies for a systematic review. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 81-90). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.(書)
Woodyard, C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International Journal of Yoga, 4(2), 49-54. (required)
9. Meta-analysis and using of research findings in clinical decision
Byers, J. F., & Stullenbarger, E. (2003). Meta-analysis and decision analysis bridge research and practice. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 25(2), 193-204.
Chamberlain, B. (2007). The differences between meta-analysis and meta-study: Part I. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21(5), 229-230.
Chamberlain, B. (2007). The differences between meta-analysis and meta-study: Part II. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21(6), 272-273.
Gerber, A. S., & Malhotra, N. (2008). Publication bias in empirical sociological research: Do arbitrary significance levels distort published results? Sociological Methods & Research, 37(1), 3-30.
Lau, J., Ioannidis, J. P. A., & Scbmid, C. H. (1998). Chap. 9 Quantitative synthesis in systematic reviews. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 91-102). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.(書)
Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & The PRISMA Group (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151, 264-269.
Moore, Z. (2012). Meta-analysis in context. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(19-20), 2798-2807. (required)
Shuldham, C., Fleming, S., & Yorke, J. (2008). Undertaking a systematic review: The road to successful completion. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(4), 282-298. (*optional)
Soeken, K. L., & Sripusanapan, A. (2003). Assessing publication bias in meta analysis. Nursing Research, 52(1), 57-60. (required)
Whittemore, R. (2005). Combining evidence in nursing research: Methods and implications. Nursing Research, 54(1), 56-62. (required)
Yang, Z. P., Ye, X. F., & Fan, D. M. (2013). Meta-analysis is victim to Chinese academic and educational systems. Journal of Formosan Medical Association, 112(5), 235-236. (*optional)
10. Review and critique of state of science of clinical therapeutics: Redefine the nursing therapeutics
Armijo-Olivo, S., Stiles, C. R., Hagen, N. A., Biondo, P. D., & Cummings, G. G. (2012). Assessment of study quality for systematic reviews: A comparison of the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool and the Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool: Methodological research. Journal of Evaluation and Nursing Practice, 18, 12-18.
Conn, V. S. (2013). Comparative effectiveness research: Enhancing nursing science. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35(6), 679-682. (required)
Conn, V. S., Ruppar, T. M., Phillips, L. J., Chase, J. A. D. (2012). Using meta-analysis for comparative effectiveness research. Nursing Outlook, 60(4), 182-190. (required)
Cooke, C. R. (2009). Translating evidence into practice: How good is good enough? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 15, 1187-1189. (*optional)
Cooke, A., Smith, D., & Booth, A. (2012). Beyond PICO: The SPIDER tool for qualitative evidence synthesis. Qualitative Health Research, 22(10), 1435-1443.
Corry, M., Clarke, M, While, A. E., & Lalor, J. (2013). Developing complex interventions for nursing: A critical review of key guidelines. Journal of Clinical Nurisng, 22, 2366-2386.
Dixon-Woods, M., & Fitzpatrick, R. (2001). Qualitative research in systematic reviews. British Medical Journal, 323(7316), 765-766.
Dixon-Woods, M., Fitzpatrick, R., & Robets, K. (2001). Including qualitative research in systematic reviews: Opportunities and problems. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 7(2), 125-133.
Finfgeld-Connett, D. (2010). Generalization and transferability of meta-synthesis research finding. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(2), 246-254. (required)
Goss, C. H., & Feffe, N. (2013). Comparative effectiveness research-What is it and how does one do it? Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 14, 152-156. (required)
Hasting-Tolsma, M., Matthews, E. E., Nelson, J. M., & Schmiege, S. (2013). Comparative effectiveness research: Nursing science and health care delivery. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35(6), 683-702.
Luce, B. R., Kramer, J. M., Goodman, S. N., Connor, J. T., Tunis, S., Whicher, D., & Schwartz, J. S. (2009). Rethinking randomized clinical trials for comparative effectiveness research: The need for transformational change. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151, 206-209. (required)
Mulrow, C., Langborne, P., & Grimabaw, J. (1998). Chap. 10 Integrating heterogeneous pieces of evidence in systematic reviews. In C. Mulrow, & D. Cook (Eds.), Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions (pp. 103-112). Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.(書)
Siwek, J., Gourlay, M. L., Slawson, D. C., & Shaughnessy, A. F. (2002). How to write an evidence-based clinical review article. American Family Physician, 65(2), 251-258.
Sox, H. C., & Greenfield, S. (2009). Comparative effectiveness research: A report from the Institute of Medicine. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151, 203-205. (required)
Yuan, Y., & Hunt, R. H. (2009). Systematic reviews: The good, the bad, and the ugly. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104(5), 1086-1092.
11. Example
Abraham, I. L., Chalifoux, Z. L., Evers, G. C. M., & Geest, S. D. (1995). Conditions, interventions, and outcomes in nursing research: A comparative analysis of North American and European international journals (1981-1990). International Journal Nursing Studies, 32(2), 173-187.)
Brown, S. A., Upchurch, S. L., & Acton, G. J. (2003). A framework for developing a coding scheme for meta-analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 25(2), 205-222.
Chen, C. M., & Lou, M. F. (2014). The effectiveness and application of mentorship programs for recently registered nurses: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(4), 433-442.
Duggleby, W., Hicks, D., Nekolaichuk, C., Holtslander, L., Williams, A., Chambers, J., & Eby, J. (2012). Hope, older adults, and chronic illness: A methsynthesis of qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68, 1211-1223. (Qualitative)
French, B. (1997). British studies which measure patient outcome, 1990-1994. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, 320-328.
Grose, J., Frost, J., Richardson, J., & Skirton, H. (2013). Using meta-ethnography to understand the emotional impact of caring for people with increasing cognitive impairment. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15, 113-123. (Qualitative)
Jadad, A. R., Cook, D. J., Jones, A., Klassen, T. P., Tugwell, P. Moher, M.,…Moher, D. (1998). Methodology and reports of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Journal of American Medical Association, 280(3), 277-280.
Ketefian, S., Dai, Y. T., Hanucharurnkul, S., Mendes, I. A. C., & Norman, I. J. (2010). Environment for nursing scholarship and journal impact factors in five countries. International Nursing Review, 57, 343-351.
Lin, H., R., & Bauer-Wu, S. M. (2003). Psycho-spiritual well-being in patients with advanced cancer: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(1), 69-80. (質量文章一起分析)
Lin, W. C., Gau, M. L., Lin, H. C., & Lin, H. R. (2011). Spiritual well-being in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Nursing Research, 19(1), 1-12. (Qualitative)
Liu, P. C., Kieckhefer, M. G., & Gau, B. S. (2013). A systematic review of the association between obesity and asthma in children. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(7), 1446-1465.
Lu, S. H., Leasure, A. R., & Dai, Y. T. (2009). A systematic review of body temperature variations in older people. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 4-16.
Palese, A., Coletti, S., & Dante, A. (2013). Publication efficiency among the higher impact factor nursing journals in 2009: A retrospective analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 543-551.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2009). International differences in nursing research, 2005-2006. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 41(1), 44-53.
Polkki, T., Kanste, O., Kaariainen, M., Elo, S., & Kyngus, H. (2014). The methodological quality of systematic reviews published in high-impact nursing journal: A review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23 (3-4), 315-332.
Schou, L., Hostrup, H., Lyngso, E. E., Larsen, S., & Poulsen, I. (2011). Validation of a new assessment tool for qualitative research articles. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(9), 2086-2094.
Streiner, D. L., & Kottner, J. (2014). Recommendations for reporting the results of studies of instrument and scale development and testing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(9), 1970-1979.
Tong, A., Sainsbury, P., & Craig, J. (2007). Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): A 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19(6), 349-357.
Tseng C. N., Gau, B. S., & Lou, M. F. (2011). The effectiveness of exercise on improving cognitive function of the elderly: A systematic review. The Journal of Nursing Research, 19(2), 119-131.
Watson, R., & Thompson, D. R. (2006). Use of factor analysis in Journal of Advanced Nursing: Literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 55(3), 330-341.
Wong, G., Greenhalgh, T., Westhorp, G., Buckingham, J., & Pawson, R. (2013a). RAMESES publication standards: Meta-narrative reviews. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(5), 987-1004.
Wong, G., Greenhalgh, T., Westhorp, G., Buckingham, J., & Pawson, R. (2013b). RAMESES publication standards: Realist syntheses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(5), 1005-1022.
Yang, H. L., Lou, M. F., Liu, P. C., Ni, L. F., Chang, H. Y, & Chen, Y. C. (2009). Trend analysis of nursing intervention studies published by Taiwan Nurses Association during 1954-2006. Journal of Nursing Research, 17(2), 102-111.
Yarcheski, A., & Mahon, N. E. (2013). Characteristics of quantitative nursing research from 1990 to 2010. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45, 405-411.
Yarcheski, A., Mahon, N. E. , & Yarcheski, T. J. (2012). A descriptive study of research published in scientific nursing journals from 1985 to 2010. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49(9), 1112-1121.
Yu, F., Kolanowski, A. M., Strumpf, N. E., & Eslinger, P.J. (2006). Improving cognition and function through exercise intervention in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(4), 358-365. 
1. Hulley, S. B., Cummings, S. R., Browner, W. S., Grady, D., & Newman, T. B. (2013). Designing clinical research (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
2. *Mulrow, C., & Cook, D. (1998). Systematic review: Synthesis of best evidence for health care decisions. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physician.
3. Piantadosi, S. (2005). Cilincal trials: A methodologic perspectives (2nd ed.). New Jessey: John Wiley & Sons.
4. *Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (1998). Evaluating nursing intervention: A theory-driven approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
5. 余玉眉等著(2006)•臺灣護理研究倫理議題與困境•臺北:國家衛生研究院。
Class participation 
(1)Presentation (2)Class participation and discussion  
Term paper (due 6/13, 5 PM) 
Manuscript review and response (due 5/28 in class)  
02/24  Introduction to the course 
3/02  Conceptual basis of nursing therapeutics 
3/09  Randomized clinical trials (I) 
3/16  Randomized clinical trials (II) 
3/23  Discussion of term paper (I)-topic selection 
3/30  Prevention intervention research 
4/06  Issues in conducting intervention researchI: Setting,intervener and client 
4/13  Issues in conducting intervention research II:
Content and design

4/20  Issues in conducting intervention research III:
Analysis and outcome 
4/27  Discussion of term paper (II)-concept integration  
5/04  Alternative approaches to study therapeutics 
5/11  Meta-analysis and using of research findings in clinical decision 
5/18  Review and critique of state of science of clinical therapeutics: Redefine the nursing therapeutics
5/25  Term paper presentation I: (4 students) 
6/01  Term paper presentation II: (4 students) 
6/08  Course evaluation